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日期:2011.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】A Study of Demonstrative in Shaoxing Keqiao Dialect

【作者】 盛益民

【关键词】 绍兴柯桥话 指示词 语义 句法 语用 类型学 来源 语法化

【外文关键词】 Shaoxing Keqiao Dialect;demonstrative;sematic;syntax;pragmatic;typology;source;grammaticalization






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【外文摘要】This thesis focuses on the syntax function, sematic function and pragmatic function of the demonstrative in Shaoxing Keqiao dialect.This article is divided into seven chapters:The first chapter is the introduction. We outline the basic situation of Shaoxing, Keqiao and Shaoxing dialect, Keqiao dialect, the basic concepts, such as deixis, demonstrative ect. and the purpose of this thesis.Chapter Two focuses on the sematic function of the demonstrative in Shaoxing Keqiao dialect. The demonstrative’s ontology semantic function includes things, person, time, status and manner, number and extent.Chapter Three focuses on the syntax function of the demonstrative in Shaoxing Keqiao dialect. Based on the syntax, the demonstrative includes demonstrative pronouns, demonstrative adjectives, demonstrative adverbs and demonstrative identifiers.Chapter Four focuses on the pragmatic function of the demonstrative in Shaoxing Keqiao dialect. The demonstrative’s pragmatic function can divide two parts:use and reference.Chapter Five focuses on the source of‘益’,‘介’and‘亨’.We hold that’益’and‘介’are homologous, and‘亨’comes from the location word‘许’.Chapter Six focuses on the grammaticalization of‘介’,‘介话头’and‘做……介’Chapter Seven is a summary of this thesis.

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