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日期:2008.01.01 点击数:9

【外文题名】Study on the Modern Agriculture Development Plan of Shaoxing Region

【作者】 边平浪

【关键词】 现代农业 农业发展规划 绍兴市 产业布局







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接

【摘要】 在系统调查研究的基础上,根据绍兴市社会经济的发展特点提出了绍兴市现代农业发展的主要方案。提出绍兴现代农业应该重点建设“一心、二层、三带、四区”的产业布局格局。一心是中心城市绿色空间区,二层是按照绍兴农业地貌分布特征,以海拔250米为界线,把农业垂直空间布局划分为二个层次,一是海拔250米以下为农业开发层;二是海拔250米以上为农业生态保护层,三带是杭州湾南岸都市农业产业带、曹娥江两岸特色农业产业带、浦阳江两岸优势农业产业带,四区是龙门山山地生态农业旅游区、会稽山山地经济特产区、新嵊玄武岩台地茶果特产区、天台——四明山山地森林生态保护区。 论文还提出了落实绍兴现代农业发展规划的政策建议。

【外文摘要】The fundamental research of modern agriculture plan by related scholars was reviewed in this paper.The author discussed the relationship and difference between macro and micro agricultural plan. Based on system investigation of economic and social situation,a set of development plan was submitted.The main region of agriculture should encourage were rice and oil crops,tea crops,vegetable production and fishery.The sightseeing and leisure agriculture also should be encouraged. Several sugg...

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