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日期:2006.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】The Study of the Epistolary Essays in Jin Dynasties

【作者】 孙丹萍

【关键词】 尺牍文学 两晋 成就 王羲之

【外文关键词】 Epistolary Essays; Jin Dynasties; Achievements; Wang Hsi-Chih






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【摘要】刘勰在《文心雕龙》中对书体进行系统评论提供了丰富的作品资源。 西晋一朝虽然“政失准的”,“士无特操”,但是不少尺牍与政局军事息息相关。首先,部分作品从不同层面反映了“八王之乱”给人们带来的对时事的愤慨不平和抉择中的进退两难。其间有傅咸《与杨骏笺》中对专权者的劝诫,《答杨济书》中对正直性情的表白,也有司马乂《致成都王颖书》、司马颖《复长沙王乂书》中的明争暗斗。其次,有关泉林廊庙抉择的尺牍作品。士人们或入世以求谋得声名,而在各种势力之间汲汲奔波,如政治高压下“每欲自杀”的顾荣,只留“华亭鹤唳”悲叹的陆机等;或出世以古代隐士自励,标榜自己脱于物外的清逸高远,如托于虚静的皇甫谧。再次,围绕灭吴之战有不少军事尺牍作品流传于世。它们或劝降,或离间,或述战时得失,或发军中感叹,于力柔气弱的西晋尺牍中开出别样一番气象。 陆云可称西晋尺牍第一家。其三十五封《与兄平原书》中有三十封专论文学创作,一改家书和论文尺牍之前仅以零星篇什存在的状态。其悲悼亡友的作品也很有特色,在吊文形式和书信对象两方面都有开辟荆榛的功绩。刘琨则以其铿锵刚利之作,清拔刚健之气于西晋文坛独树一帜。《与丞相笺》中的苍凉无奈,《答卢谌书》的成熟练达,千载之下,依然动人心魄。 在艺术特色上,西晋尺牍一方面体现了“采缛”的特点,如陆云的《答车茂安书》中对鄮县风物的挥洒描写;另一方面,大部分作品并无其它文体的繁缛浮华,也无对作品形式美的过分追求,或素面朝天,或略施粉黛。 东晋尺牍多零星小作,少宏篇巨幅。北伐的愿望,佛玄的兴盛,闲逸的风行使东晋的尺牍带有鲜明的时代色彩。南渡后,虽有祖逖、庾亮、桓温等人的北伐之举,然以北伐为主题的尺牍作品所存不多,且只有孔坦《临终与庾亮书》、桓温《与抚军笺》等略存豪气。时光流逝本如白驹过隙,江山沦落、亲友离散使东

【外文摘要】 The epistolary essay is a special style of practical writing in ancient times of China. It has the unique literary aesthetic value and occupies an important position in the history of Chinese classical literature, especially in the history of prose. After the rudimentary period in the pre-Qin Days, the process of personalization in Han Dynasties and the“conscious”development in Wei Period, epistolary essays reached an unprecedented height in quantity, content and art in Jin Dynasties, which made great contributions in various aspects to the prosperity of epistolary essays in later ages, and provided rich work resources for Liu Xie’s systematic comment on epistolary essays in Wen Xin Diao Long. Although the politics lost its essence, and people had little personal integrity in Western Jin Dynasty, many epistolary essays were closely linked with the political and military situation. First, some works reflected the indignation against the current event and the dilemma in making choices because of the Revolt of the Eight Kings from the different angles. For instance, Fu Xian admonished those monopolizing the power in To Yang Jun, and vindicated his view on straight personality in Reply to Yang Ji. The letters of Sima Yi and Sima Ying to each other reflected struggles then. Second, some epistolary essays were about scholars’choice between becoming officials and living in seclusion. Some rushed about between each kind of influence to seek reputation, such as Gu Rong, Lu Ji. Some, encouraged by the recluses in ancient times, flaunted they escaped beyond the material world, like Huangfu Mi. Third, there were many epistolary essays about the war against Wu. They either induced somebody to capitulate, or sowed discord, or stated the success and failure in wartime, or expressed signs with feeling, exploiting a different style in epistolary essays then. Lu Yun may be called Top 1 in the field of epistolary essays in Western Jin Dynasty. Among his 35 To My Brother Pingyuan, 30 were monographs on literature creation. They developed the scale and content of letters to family and on literature creation. Lu Yun’s letters to deceased friends were also characteristic. Liu Kun was

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