首页>绍兴文化>吴越文化>学位论文>  巫文化视野下的文学神秘性研究:以《穆天子传》《越绝书》《吴越春秋》为例


日期:2010.01.01 点击数:3

【外文题名】A Study of Literary Mystique under the Vision of the Witch Culture:Take the "Solemn Emperor Biography"; "More Certainly Book"; "Wu and Yue Kingdoms Spring and Autumn Period" as Examples

【作者】 樊祥恩

【关键词】 巫文化 文学神秘性 《穆天子传》 《越绝书》 《吴越春秋》

【外文关键词】 Witch Culture;Literary Mystique;Mu Tian ZI zhuan;Wu Yue Chun Qiu;Yue Jue Shu






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【摘要】为发达,故本文拟在巫文化视野的规范下,以文化学和文学的相关理论为支撑,以《穆天子传》、《越绝书》、《吴越春秋》三书为典型,试图对巫文化影响下的文学神秘性进行综合研究。 论文主体分四章:第一章立足史料的梳理,以时代发展为序,还原相关时期巫文化发展的历史面貌,并展示三书的神秘共性;第二章讨论三书中巫化情节的各种表现形式,并以它们与巫文化的不同关系为标准进行分类;第三章首先从促进叙事完整性、形成叙事虚构性、凸显人物形象三方面,分析巫文化情节的功能。其次深入三书叙事内部,解释巫文化对叙事完成的内在推动力,从而最终解释巫文化影响下的文学神秘性;第四章放眼开来,着眼于整个中国文学史,以对具体文学样式的分析为例证,力图总结出带有规律性的结论,即巫文化对后世文学的影响集中体现于巫幻母题的传承。 ...

【外文摘要】The witch culture is a widespread cultural phenomenon in the world's various nationalities, and it has played a significant role on the social lives. The Witch culture has also been the most mysterious one in the world's cultural heritage; therefore it becomes an important research subject of anthropology. In our country, Witch culture turns up early, changes newly unceasingly along with the social development, and has the profound influence to our country's culture advancement. Witch culture is a k...

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