首页>绍兴文化>戏曲文化>学位论文>  越剧主胡与管弦乐队《越剧印象三则》中的创作技法


日期:2009.01.01 点击数:3

【外文题名】On the Composing Techniques of Three Impressions of Shaoxing Opera Composed for Zhu Hu and Orchestra

【作者】 任枫

【关键词】 越剧主胡 越剧 独奏民族乐器 管弦乐 协奏曲 音色 数列

【外文关键词】 Yue HuShaoxing Operathe solo traditional instrumentOrchestraConcertoToneOrder






【全文挂接】 读秀挂接

【摘要】独奏乐器与管弦乐队)写作中于之相关的处理、观念等方面进行了思考。 本文分为四个部分,在绪论中,考察了以民族乐器作为独奏的协奏曲的历史、现状及其观念;第一章介绍了本作品的构思与曲式结构;第二章对主题的音高变化与和声组织进行了阐述;第三章又对节奏控制技法和配器技法进行了分析,并用较多的谱例来说明乐队织体形态对塑造音乐形象的重要性;结论总结了创作中所体现出的思想观念,并对此类协奏曲创作对戏曲音乐发展的重要性和必要性提出了自己的看法。

【外文摘要】It is a common way for Chinese composers to compose music using the drama material. However, concertos with the drama accompanying instrument as the solo instrument are seldom. The author attempts to analyze the combination of the accompanying instrument with the orchestra, with the interlude of Yue Opera as the material, as well as the Yue Hu as the solo instrument. This thesis illustrates systemically the thought and technique of the Three Impressions on Shaoxing Opera, composed by the author hims...

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